Interested in Joining our Choir?
Der Gemischte Chor Zürich welcomes all new singers who have an enthusiasm for choral music and can read a musical score. Singers are expected to attend most rehearsals and, of course, the choir’s concerts. Every year two rehearsal weekends, which take place either in the Zürich area or occasionally elsewhere in Switzerland, are obligatory.
Rehearsals are held in the “Vereinssaal” room of the Tonhalle (Gotthardstrasse 5, door V,) on (most) Wednesday evenings from 19:30 to 21:30.
Roughly every fourth week singers take part in a group voice training session which starts at 18:45. The annual membership fee is CHF 500 (or CHF 150 for students).
Since its foundation the official language of the choir – especially in the rehearsals – is traditionally High German (not Swiss German). The choir consists of about 90 singers from all parts of Switzerland, from many other countries and from all walks of life. There is a considerable English-speaking contingent.
If you are interested in singing with the choir, please contact us best before the new rehearsal schedule starts (April or November).
You should:
- have a trained voice (choral experience)
- be under 50 years of age (an exception may be made by our Conductor)
- be able to commit to sing with the choir for a number of years
Acceptance into the choir is dependent on passing a short and informal audition.
Interested in Supporting our Choir?
Members of the Circle of Sponsors («Förderkreis«) support the artistic activities of the choir by making annual financial contributions.